January 24, 2024
12 minutes

A simple guide to addressing single point of failure (SPOF) while evaluating SaaS tools


In the dynamic landscape of technology, reliability is a key ingredient in the recipe for long term success, especially when evaluating external tools or Software as a Service (SaaS). This guide is your compass through the realm of Single Points of Failure (SPOF) as we navigate the intricacies of evaluating external tools.

Understanding SPOF isn't merely about isolated considerations; it's an integral part of a broader assessment of reliability. This exploration goes beyond the surface, looking at factors that contribute to a robust and resilient tech ecosystem, with a focus on external tools and SaaS platforms.

As we embark on this journey, let's keep in mind that SPOF, in this guide, specifically refers to potential unavailability/ functionality failures within external tools and SaaS solutions. From common tools like CRM software to payment systems and expert automation platforms, we'll unravel not just the challenges but also the key markers that indicate reliability in the world of external tech solutions.

The Reality of Outside Tools

In the fast-paced world of technology, the acceptance of Single Points of Failure (SPOF) isn't a compromise; it's a strategic trade-off for gaining access to the most advanced outsourced technology.  What are the trade-offs? -

  1. Immediate Time-to-Value: Opting for external tools acknowledges the SPOF risk but provides businesses with immediate access to complex functionalities. This trade-off allows companies to jumpstart their operations without investing valuable time in building intricate systems.
  2. Functional Depth and Expertise: External tools often come with a level of functional depth that is challenging to replicate in-house. Businesses accept the SPOF risk because the depth and expertise offered by these tools far outweigh the potential risks associated with a Single Point of Failure.
  3. Resource re-allocation: By embracing external tools, companies can concentrate on their core competencies. Tools like Stripe and Segment provide such specialized functionality that they become synonymous with their respective categories, allowing businesses to leverage the expertise without having to reinvent the wheel.
  • 💸 Stripe: Redefining Payment Processing with SPOF Acceptance

    SPOF Risk vs. Building In-House: While Stripe, like any payment gateway, introduces SPOF concerns, businesses readily accept this risk. The rational decision is evident when considering the alternative—hours spent building an in-house payment gateway that might not match the level of sophistication and reliability offered by Stripe.

    Businesses Built Around Stripe: The acceptance of SPOF in payment processing becomes secondary to the immediate time-to-value and functional depth that Stripe provides. Entire businesses are built around the capabilities of Stripe, showcasing the strategic advantage of this trade-off.
  • 💸 Segment: Centralising Customer Data with SPOF Awareness

    Risk Management vs. Internal Development: Segment centralizes customer data, acknowledging the SPOF risk associated with data concentration. However, businesses opt for Segment because the trade-off is evident—it's more efficient than internal development and allows companies to focus on utilizing customer data rather than building complex data infrastructure.

    Synonymous with Data Infrastructure: The decision matrix and trade-off for businesses are rational because Segment, despite the SPOF risk, offers a level of expertise and functionality that surpasses what could be achieved through in-house efforts. It has become synonymous with data infrastructure, signifying the success of this strategic trade-off.

So based on the above examples, this is how we sum it up: In the ever-changing landscape of technology, the decision to accept SPOF as a trade-off for accessing advanced outsourced technology is a rational one. Examples like Stripe and Segment showcase that businesses, more often than not, find the decision matrix tilted in favour of leveraging external tools.

Reality in today’s businesses

In corporate discussions, the desire to minimize risks associated with external tools is a common thread woven into various organizational initiatives, audit considerations, disaster recovery plans, and the aspirations of internal teams to be self-sustaining.

While each of these motivations may seem justifiable independently, the challenge lies in striking a balance between risk mitigation and resource optimization. Let's explore the two predominant approaches businesses can consider when dealing with the Single Point of Failure (SPOF) dilemma.

Pursuit of building internal Back-Up Systems

The approach of building internal back-up systems is grounded in the idea of self-sufficiency, especially while fearing external tool downtimes or failures. This suggests creating primitive functional systems internally, serving as a safety net for times when external tools experience disruptions.

The Pitfalls:
  1. Resource Trade-Offs: The reality is that building and maintaining internal back-up systems are resource-intensive endeavors. It requires a significant investment of time, talent, and financial resources, diverting focus from core business functions.
  2. Primitive Functionality: Internal systems built as backups often start with basic functionalities. In the case of working with a complex tool like Stripe, replicating its capabilities internally can be an extensive undertaking.
Even as internal development projects hold allure, the reality, as depicted in Gremlin's Chaos Engineering report, is striking. A significant percentage of outages stem from unforeseen interdependencies and vulnerabilities in internally managed systems. This statistic serves as a compelling reminder of the uphill battle internal teams face in achieving reliability benchmarks.
When it Makes Sense:

This approach might be justifiable for tech giants like Amazon or Facebook, where the potential loss of business due to external tool downtimes is substantial enough to outweigh the costs of internal development and maintenance.

Building and Innovating Best Practices: A Logical Alternative

The Rational Path

A more logical alternative is to innovate on tool evaluation practices. Instead of seeking SPOF-free solutions, the focus shifts to finding tools that are more reliable than anything built internally. This perspective recognizes SPOF as an acceptable risk when measured from a relative standpoint.

The Logic
  1. Acceptable Risk: This approach acknowledges that absolute SPOF elimination is challenging. The goal is to choose tools that, in relative terms, minimize risks and provide a more dependable foundation for operations.
  2. Comparative Evaluation: Businesses evaluate external tools not by their ability to eliminate SPOF entirely but by their track record, responsiveness, and commitment to continuous improvement. It's about choosing tools that, in practice, prove to be more reliable than their internal counterparts.

Now let's look at the best practices that new age technology leaders use while evaluating external SaaS tools in their tech stack.

12 Parameters for Evaluating external SaaS for reliability

As technology leaders dive into evaluating external tools, it's vital to look beyond the surface. Key parameters act as markers for reliability.

  1. Legacy: For How Long This Software Has Been in Use:Longevity often speaks to dependability. Tools that have been around have weathered tech changes, proving their adaptability over time.
  2. Transparency on Uptimes: Being open about uptime is a sign of reliability. Tools that share their uptime statistics show a commitment to honesty and accountability.
  3. Historical Uptimes: Past performance indicates future behavior. Consistently high uptimes build confidence in a tool's reliability.
  4. Contractual Guarantees on Uptimes: A written commitment adds assurance. Tools with contractual guarantees on uptimes show confidence in their abilities.
  5. People Building the Product, Their Expertise, and Background: The team behind a tool matters. A diverse, experienced team is better equipped to handle challenges and ensure ongoing improvement.
  6. Other Customers Trusting Their Product: Customer trust is a powerful sign. If well-respected organizations rely on a tool, it's likely dependable.
  7. How Robust is Disaster Recovery Setup: Being ready for disasters is crucial. Tools with robust recovery setups show a proactive approach to risks.
  8. Compliance with SOC 2, ISO, and Other Audit Certifications: Adherence to industry standards shows commitment to security. Tools with certifications exhibit dedication to maintaining a secure environment.
  9. Continuous Improvement Practices: Reliable tools evolve. Checking a tool's commitment to continuous improvement, like regular updates and user feedback response, shows adaptability and longevity.
  10. Scalability: Scalability is vital for growing businesses. Tools designed to grow with demands provide a reliable foundation for future growth.
  11. Support and Responsiveness: In challenges, responsive support is crucial. Evaluating a tool's support system ensures assistance when needed.
  12. Vendor lock-ins: Smart companies will lock in critial SaaS vendors with long term contracts to ensure continuity of services.
At Fyno, we are often questioned by tech leaders on our reliability, and how do we perform on all the evaluation parameters that have been listed above. We've captured Fyno's detailed evaluation of reliability, addressing SPOF concerns here.


As technology and product leaders navigate the tech landscape, the quest for a SPOF-free infrastructure becomes a pragmatic pursuit. Third-party tools, by default, introduce SPOF considerations, but it's a reality embraced by smart tech leaders. The evaluation lens shifts from absolute elimination to relative mitigation, trusting data, and considering a spectrum of factors beyond SPOF. In a world where risk management is key, choosing expert tools becomes a strategic imperative for a robust and dependable tech infrastructure.

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